13. Non-Independent Component Analysis, 2024
(Forthcoming in the Annals of Statistics)
joint with Piotr Zwiernik
12. Locally Robust Inference for Non-Gaussian SVAR models, Quantitative Economics, 2024, 15, 523–570
joint with Lukas Hoesch and Adam Lee
11. Locally Robust Inference for Non-Gaussian Linear Simultaneous Equations Models, Journal of Econometrics, 2024, vol 240, Issue 1, 105647
joint with Adam Lee
paper, slides, web-appendix​
10. A Sufficient Statistics Approach for Macro Policy, American Economic Review, 2023, vol 113 (11), pp. 2809-45.
joint with Regis Barnichon
9. The Phillips Multiplier, Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021, vol 117, pp. 689-705
joint with Regis Barnichon
8. Detecting Granular Time Series in Large Panels, Journal of Econometrics, 2021, vol 220, pp. 544-561
joint with Christian Brownlees
7. Identifying modern macro equations with old shocks, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020, vol 135, pp. 2255–2298
joint with Regis Barnichon
6. On the Demographic Adjustment of Unemployment, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2018, vol 100, pp. 219-231
joint with Regis Barnichon
5. Empirical Bayes Methods for Dynamic Factor Models, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2017, vol. 99, pp. 486–498
joint with Siem Jan Koopman
4. Age- and Quality-Graded Effects for Employment and Crime, Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 2017, vol. 3, pp. 440-467
joint with Chantal van den Berg
3. Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Generalized Long-Memory Time Series Models, Econometric Reviews, 2016, vol. 35, pp. 659-687
joint with Marius Ooms and Siem Jan Koopman
2. Crime, Employment and Social Welfare: an individual-level study on disadvantaged males, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2016, vol 32, pp. 159-190
joint with Victor van der Geest and Catrien Bijleveld
1. Generalized Dynamic Panel Data Models with Random Effects for Cross-Section and Time, Journal of Econometrics, 2014, vol. 180, pp. 127-140
joint with Siem Jan Koopman
Articles in Books and Other Periodicals
​2. Forecasting the Boatrace, In: Koopman, S.J. and Shepherd, N. (Eds.). Unobserved Components and Time Series Econometrics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (2014) pp. 90-117.
joint with Siem Jan Koopman
1. The Effect of Unemployment on Crime in High Risk Families in the Netherlands between 1920 and 2005. In: Weerman, F. & Bijleveld, C.C.J.H. (Eds.). Criminal behavior from school to the workplace. Untangling the complex relations between employment, education, and crime. (2013) London: Routledge, pp. 142-165.
joint with Catrien Bijleveld and Doreen Hushek
In Dutch
1. Amsterdam bepalend voor woningprijzen, Economisch Statistische Berichten (ESB), 2018, vol. 103(4767), pp. 492-494
joint with Dorinth van Dijk